5 Healthy Habits to adopt during Lockdown

Written by Tarryn James

6 May 2020

While in lockdown, it has never been a better time to adopt healthy habits to support you during this challenging time. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious, or calm and at ease, these are 5 habits that can make a great impact on your daily lifestyle.

  1. Find your Routine

One of the first thing we lose when staying at home is our daily routine. Even though you might have a bit more freedom to sleep in and take it easy, try to find some sense of “routine”. Even if it means that routine looks different to what it used to be.

Wake up and change our of your pyjamas. If you are working from home, try to find a space that allows you to focus during your “work hours”. When the work day ends, leave your desk and return to home life. These simple routines give us a sense of ‘normality’ and allow us to find order in these moments of chaos.

2. Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool that we can incorporate into our daily routines. Not only does Journaling help us work through our feelings but it has also shown to relieve stress, allow for self reflection and inspire creativity!

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to journal and therefore gives you freedom to write down what comes to mind. Keep a journal next to your coffee station or on your bedside table. If you need more guidance, follow a Journaling Prompt Challenge


3. Moments of Movement

Whether it’s yoga, a walk or simply dancing around your house, bring in elements of movement on a daily basis. Your movement practice may look totally different from a few months ago, and so, take a few moments to tune in and see what your body is needing. As much as you may enjoy vigorous exercise or practice, give yourselves the opportunity to bring in grounding and calming practices too. They also don’t need to be 60 minute in length, even shorter durations of movement can be extremely beneficial.

If you are wanting to develop your home yoga practice, view our blog on “5 Online Yoga Platforms to maintain your practice at home.”

5. Nourish your Body

Be sure to fuel your body with foods that are nourishing and nurturing. Just as our exercise needs change, so may our diet and food preferences. When at home, be gentle on yourself should you be craving something you would not normally eat. These are different circumstances and our bodies respond in different ways. Start your day with a glass of water before coffee or tea. Incorporate lots of fruits and veggies and allow your meal preparation to become an exciting and mindful practice.

6. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is what tells us that what we have is enough. In positive psychology research, practicing gratitude is a powerful tool yielding in greater happiness. Research consistently shows how a regular gratitude practice improves our physical and mental health.

Gratitude can be incorporated into your journaling practice. It can also be practiced in all moments of the day. When you wake up, think of 5 things that you are thankful for. Be specific. Do the same in the evening to end off the day on a positive note.


What are your healthy habits that you incorporate on a daily basis? Share with us in the comments below.

Tarryn Thomson