The Power of Colour: How your Yoga Mat colour affects your Practice

"Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions" - Pablo Picasso. 

Have you ever noticed how you may be naturally drawn to certain colours? Do you find yourself feeling calm beside the ocean blue? Or extra confident when wearing red?

This can be described in Colour Psychology; the study of colour and how it affects our mood, emotions and even behaviour. Although more research is still being conducted on the scientific basis of Colour Psychology, expects have suggested that feelings about color are subjective, deeply personal and rooted in your own experience or culture.

This got us thinking…. can our yoga mat colour have an affect on your practice?

Introducing the new Mocana yoga mat range: Power of Colour! This range is dedicated to discovering how colour can elevate your yoga practice. Let us show you how.


GREEN JADE- Balance/Purification/Harmony

Located in the middle of the spectrum, green is often used to represent balance and harmony. Green is also the colour associated to your Heart Chakra, joining the lower 3 Chakras to the Top 3.

Using a Green Jade mat gently inspires balance, speaks to the aspects of purification and harmony that the time spent on your mat aligns within.


MINERAL Blue - Calming Mind

The colour blue is suggested to affect us mentally. With the ability to calm the mind and aid in concentration, this colour has the potential to charge your practice with the power of stilling mental activity and sharpening focus.

Your practice may feel more precise; placement exact and effortless.


Purple/Amethyst - connect with wisdom

The colour purple has the shortest wavelength and is said to help take awareness to a higher level. It is the colour associated with your Third Eye / Intuition. By encouraging deep contemplation and meditation, a purple yoga mat could help your practice reach new spiritual heights.


Pink / Quartz - Emotional Balance

Yoga brings you practices that address both the Yin and the Yang. The Feminine and the Masculine. The Sun and the Moon. Together, creating emotional balance & increased stability throughout your life.

A Pink Quartz mat may bring you increased yin energy; receptivity, calm and relaxation.



This deep orange signifies “Agni”, also known as “Fire”. This warm colour brings you another way to elevate your practice; through joy and lightheartedness. After all, that is why we call it yoga practice, not yoga perfect!

A feisty orange mat may help you to let go, lift your energy and play in your practice!

Which mat are you needing in your practice right now?

Yoga PropsTarryn Thomson