Cerise Maartens

Multidimensional Healer and Consciousness Guidance

Cape Town

Website | Email | Instagram | Facebook

082 497 9658


I welcome each of you to Embrace Your Higher Frequency and Awaken Your True Self. 

I am Cerise, Mother Angel Seeds the Light, the founder of Kamala, a Multidimensional Healer living a life of purpose and service, where the essence of healing transcends dimensions through frequencies that share our existence. As Albert Einstein wisely foresaw, Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies, and at Kamala, Frequency is our sacred core. 

I hold space for you to embark on a transformative Journey of Self-Love, spanning across realms of healing. There is no greater voyage than the one to the depths of your being. The programs are crafted from years of profound study, self-discovery, and the advanced AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer, culminating in the ultimate shift of energy that sets Kamala apart. 

Through the power of Transcendental Frequency Healing, we delve into the essence of your being, unlocking the hidden potentials that span across different dimensions. As a Multidimensional Healer, I am here to lead you in unlocking the sacred key to your innate ability to heal yourself and harmonize your existence. Together, we’ll walk this path until you find your way home – to the depths of your heart, where true healing transcends space and time. 

Are you ready to embark on a soulful journey of self-discovery, transformation, and healing? Step into the embrace of Kamala, where frequencies converge, and your soul finds its wings, unfolding into its fullest potential.


  • Shamanic Ceremonial Practitioner (in-training)

  • Smiling Soul Coaching Academy

  • Reiki Level 1 - 3

  • Sekhem Master & Teacher

  • Hatha 300 Level with Shakti Yoga Training and Therapy Centre

  • Member of the Yoga Alliance International