Enrique Schoch da Silva


Life Coach, Health Coach and Speaker

Sandton & Bryanston Johannesurg

Email | Website

083 276 9333


“My mission is to be of service to you in your quest for health and human wellbeing.

To ignite and empower your inner hero and healer.”

Enrique combines his coaching training as well as each and every wellness truth, trip or trick he knows, from simple, ancestral wisdom to cutting edge biohacking, to offer a unique transformational toolbox. He came to this from a place of experiencing, having overcome his own serious health crisis. “This isn't my job, it's how I live my life.”

Non-human and unnatural behaviours, habits and environments are making us unwell and unhappy. We’re overfed but undernourished. We’re overworked and over stressed but under-rested and under-slept. We don’t move enough, we don’t connect enough. We are living in a time of chronic dis-ease, distress and despair.

The revival and resurgence of your health and wellbeing is in the rediscovery of your innate humanness. In my practice you enter into a holistic, dynamic and personalised process that always puts you first. We will co-discover, co-explore and co-create along a journey of real and lasting lifestyle and behaviour change that empowers you to live a strong, purposeful, healthy and happy human life.


Enrique is an ADAPT trained health coach and has a doctorate from the school of brutal experience.

He is an autodidact of extensive multi disciplinary interests including food, movement, sleep, stress, healing, ancestral and natural wisdom, consciousness and mindfulness.

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