Jani Roodt

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Holistic Bodywork Therapist

Cape Town

Email | Website |Instagram

082 802 6110


Jani Roodt is an accomplished holistic bodyworker and devoted Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga practitioner and teacher, currently living in Cape Town.

Her finely tuned body therapy works with both energetic and physical modalities that she has gathered through years of practice and study. With the client fully clothed, she works directly with the fascia, muscles and nervous system to relieve any blockages causing stress, anxiety, pain and physical or energetic imbalances.

Jani’s intuitive way of working creates an invaluable space for deep restoration and enhances the body-mind connection - something we all lose sight of in our busy lives.

Her background in the intricate layers of Yoga, trauma, functional movement as well as physical and energy therapies allows her to delve into well-hidden levels of each individual’s healing process.

The process is easy, relaxing and leaves you with useful feedback to work with.

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