Natacha Wauquiez

Energy Psychology - Advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner

Hoedspruit, Limpopo

Website | Email | LinkedIn | Facebook | Youtube

(072) 114 8947


Very intuitive, Natacha has always been fondly interested in psychology and personal development.
Passionate about wildlife and ethology, Natacha also organises retreats & workshops in the African wilderness – she lives close to Kruger park.

She has trained through the years on other modalities such as Enneagram (through a disciple of Helen Palmer), family constellation, TRE, EMDR, breathing techniques (cardiac coherence, rebirthing, Vipassana meditation), Meta-Health, psychology (the theory of attachment) and hosted and assisted trainers and psychologists in their workshops.

Natacha supports her clients on their journey with empathy, exactly where they are and with what they are going through. She strongly believes that body and mind are highly connected and interdependent. More and more scientific studies prove it, from neuroscience to epigenetic - we now talk about our guts as being our second brain and the memory in our heart.


  • Natacha is an advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner – her training is recognised by EFT International.

  • She specialises in PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).

  • She offers sessions in English and French, face-to-face or online (Zoom).