Suskia Strafella

Traditional Tantra
Conscious Menstruation
Womb Yoga

Cape St Francis

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083 644 6929


Tantra means the Essence.
The essence of you. The essence of reality. This is the essential teaching connecting us back to our true nature.

To inquire Tantra means to inquire your longing to meet your truth and the truth of your reality. It means to drop into the cosmic ocean of endless possibilities within yourself with total wild abandon, to enter into the places you’ve been afraid to enter into before now. It means we go beyond the limitations of your mind and belief systems. It means to crack open your heart so that you may remember the texture of real love, real intimacy. You will feel the quality of this realness inside your own body – The instrument of the cosmos.

I’ve received extensive training, qualifications, and initiations in Anatomy, Physiology, Nutritional Therapy, Jikiden Reiki, Traditional Tantra, Womb Theology (Mysticism and philosophy of the womb and subconscious mind), and Womb Steaming.

There has been a deep fascination of the human body – In both it’s Form and the Formless – The manifested becoming matter and what is physical, the unmanifest being space and emptiness.

My personal inquiry about the nature of our existence and the intimate journey with my body has led me to work with and share the deep innate wisdom with others who find me. The deeper I go with my body, the deeper I’m able to go with others and guide them on their journey towards their own vast incomprehensible depth.


Stress, tension, overwhelm, and excess mental activity drown out our ability to truly feel. Without access to the subtle genius of our feeling body, we have a reduced ability to discern and respond accurately. The body is not a vehicle that needs to be maintained, or disciplined so that it can simply function. Rather, it is a potent source of power, intuition, feeling, and abundant pleasure. During my sessions, I work with the deeper teachings: The teachings of the wisdom of the body and practices following along the Traditional Tantric lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism.

This includes working deeply with tools to completely relax the nervous system and work on re-sensitizing the body to feeling, sensation, and enter into the expanded states that it was created for. The breath and nervous system are the first places we begin, turning every cell into an ear so that we are able to step back into our deep wisdom and Ultimate Awareness.

In order to do this, I become your mirror. Due to the nature of this work, some sessions may be rather challenging, for everything that you may be suppressing and not allowing to be seen, I will see and provide you with the reflection back to Self. I then provide you with the tools to move through yourself. Sometimes my very presence will be triggering to you, at other times you may feel aroused and burn with the fire of aliveness. This is the work of Tantra and the transmission of cosmic wisdom.

During my sessions, I work with and facilitate techniques and sacred practices that originate from the Traditional Tantric lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism. This lineage opens the body to expanding consciousness and returning home to itself – a deeply authentic connection to your temple.


Traditional Tantra | 4 years

Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Nutritional Therapy | 5 years

Womb / Abdominal Massage | 1 year

Reiki | 1 year

Womb Theology | 2 years