Self Practice with Tegan Burger

In this Episode, Tarryn sits down with Tegan Burger at YogaLova in Johannesburg. Listen as we chat about the importance of a self practice as well as a few tips as to starting your own self practice. Tegan offers teacher trainings all over the country - and in this episode we also explore the benefits and importance for a teacher to maintain a self practice.

This topic was requested by a few of our listeners - If you have any topics you want covered, please email us at


Thanks to her mother, Tegan has been fortunate enough to have had yoga in her life from a very young age. However, only in 2011 did everything fall into place. Tegan completed Living Yoga's Teacher Training that year and began teaching in 2012.

Since then, she has completed another teacher training with Jim Harrington, as well as his 500 hour (advanced) training. In 2013, she was even more fortunate to go to India where she met many wonderful teachers and wandered through some amazing ashrams.

In April-May 2015, Tegan completed the 300 hour Jivamukti Teacher Training in New York with David Life and Sharon Gannon. She is currently studying a BSc in Nutritional Science which she plans to further help her clients as well herself.

"Yoga keeps me in check with myself, when I don’t practise, I'm not myself. The more I practise, the more I get to know who I really am. Join me as we get to know ourselves."

Join Tegan Burger for this 30-Minute strong Vinyasa yoga practice. Be prepared for some strong standing postures and a little bit of back-bending near the end! This practice is suitable for beginner to intermediate practitioners. Please modify and take breaks where needed.

Music produced by Dan Schultz / Vocals: Tarryn James

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