Ine-Lize Terblanche


Heroldsbaai, Garden Route

Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga

Email | Instagram

083 253 8090


Ine-lize is a yoga teacher in Heroldsbaai and teaches both group and private classes for beginner and intermediate students.

“I am a firm believer in the health, healing and mental benefits of yoga. I love the fact that yoga is for everyone, regardless of ability, age, beliefs or circumstance - it is a great way to get in tune with and trust your body.

Why I do yoga - the short answer is that yoga makes me feel better.

Yoga is perfect for every kind of day and for every kind of person, whether you are looking to manage your stress levels, increase your flexibility, balance and strength or manage muscle and joint aches and pains.

Strength and fitness levels do not matter. Yoga meets you where you are, in the moment. The idea is to explore and allow your body to ease into your own variation of any posture, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection.

Just breathe. Be gentle with yourself and just do what you can - your body will respond in kind.”


  • RYT 200 Yoga Alliance