Kirsten-Mia Hickey


Westbrook, Durban

Aerial Yoga, Ashtanga, Hatha, Power Yoga, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga

Studios: The Ubuntu Shala - Westbrook. Mobile and online.

Website | Email | Facebook | Personal Instagram | Studio Instagram

073 614 8804


Kirsten-Mia Hickey is a yoga teacher, trained chef, holistic massage therapist and wellbeing coach from Durban, South Africa. Travelling and living in a variety of countries, whilst experiencing different cultures, has given her invaluable experiences and life lessons. Having initially trained and worked as a chef, Kirsten’s path took her to selling luxury motor vehicles, and eventually finding yoga.

From the first yoga class she took, she knew ultimately that teaching this ancient and rewarding practice was her purpose. Kirsten-Mia completed her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Samahita in Thailand under the guidance of Paul Dallaghan, providing her with the skills necessary to teach and instilling in her the importance of a holistic approach to yoga and life. With her natural curiosity and through continued learning, teaching and practice, Kirsten has discovered a passion for a variety of styles of yoga including pranayama and meditation.

Regardless of the style being taught, she always ensures that all students feel welcome, included and safe. Kirsten-Mia looks to bring a sense of humour, joy and respect to the practice in every class. Bringing together her skills as a trained chef and yoga teacher, combined with her life interests and hobbies, Kirsten-Mia is able to offer individuals and groups alike a variety of services to help improve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.


  • YTT200 - Paul Dallaghan (Centered Yoga Thailand) 2017

  • Aerial Yoga TT - Julie Fowler (Aerial Yoga South Africa) end of 2018

Your health, IS your wealth...

Follow The Roaming Yogi and The Ubuntu Shala on social media for classes, workshops and events. Send Kirsten-Mia a message to sign up to her newsletter or to join the whats app group.