Lee Potgieter


Westville KZN

Hatha, Iyengar Yoga and Yin Yoga

Studios: Room 3, Westville Methodist Church

Email | Instagram | Facebook

082 601 2732


My passion is approaching all Yoga with mindfulness and I'm continuously trying to better my understanding of anatomy and movement. After creating a special weekly Restorative Yoga class for ladies undergoing treatment for cancer, I discovered the true value of Yoga as therapy for not only a tired body, but also for the stressed and wired person. Besides Restorative Yoga, I also teach Hatha and Yin Yoga.
All classes are taught with the differences in bodies in mind as we are all different and unique. I hope that in the nurturing, safe environment I create, you too may discover the value of this ancient art of well being.


  • RYT-500
    (Young Yoga Institute - 200Hr and Jivananda Yoga Shala - 300Hr)