Vala House

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Hatha, Yoga Nidra and Yoga Therapy

Yoga Retreats

Website | Email

(082) 574-3198


Vala House is a creative wellness centre on the outskirts of Knysna. A beautiful, expansive garden provides the ideal backdrop for a relaxing getaway filled with yoga and a variety of creative and healing activities.

Daily yoga runs three times a day, everyday and is held on a “pay what you can” basis. Booking is essential. Themed weekend, 7-day and 14-day retreats centred on yoga and wellness bring in elements of creativity, such as cooking lessons, poetry, art, music, dance and much more. Leading experts in their fields are brought in to provide the most enriching experiences for all guests.

Long-term retreats include a range of exciting explorations into the Garden Route and surrounds.

Vala House’s facilities are open to all friends, guests and on special request.


One-on-one Appointments and Hypnotherapy

In addition to the class schedule and events seen on the site, they offer a range of personlised therapies, including:
• Individual yoga classes
• Hypnotherapy
• Ayuverdic consulting
• Bibliotherapy
• Life coaching